Regulation (EU) 2025/40 places design for recycling at the heart of sustainable packaging. By 2030, all packaging must be engineered to enable efficient recycling, with clear criteria to ensure materials can be sorted and processed without losing recyclability.
Despite claims of 100% recyclable design, there is no guarantee that such packaging is actually being recycled. A significant portion still ends up in landfills or incinerators, or is merely down-cycled.
From 2030 onward, any packaging that is not designed for recycling (at least 70% by weight) and does not include the mandated minimum percentage of recycled content from post-consumer plastic waste – targets vary by type and application – will be banned from the market.
To secure sufficient recyclate by 2030, enhanced collection systems and advanced sorting and recycling technologies must be adopted, improving both the quality and quantity of post-consumer waste. This is especially critical for food packaging, which must meet EFSA food safety standards.
GreenPath underscores that achieving packaging circularity requires collaboration across the entire value chain. Even the most sophisticated mechanical recycling technology is limited if packaging is not recyclable by design, not collected separately, or not sorted into dedicated waste streams. National governments, municipalities, EPR systems, and retailers/brands all play pivotal roles in making the PPWR successful.
Download Regulation (EU) 2025/40 on packaging and packaging waste here.
Article 12, 13 and 14 establish comprehensive labelling, marking, and information requirements to improve packaging transparency, facilitate proper waste sorting, and prevent misleading environmental claims. These regulations ensure that consumers and businesses receive clear, standardised information on material composition, reusability, recyclability, and waste disposal. Harmonised labelling of packaging and waste receptacles, along with digital data carriers, enhances traceability and compliance while promoting responsible consumption. Additionally, strict criteria for environmental claims help prevent greenwashing and encourage sustainable packaging innovation. Together, these measures contribute to a more effective circular economy and improved waste management across the EU.
Articles 15 to 23 establish a comprehensive framework for the obligations of economic operators involved in the packaging industry, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements across the supply chain. These provisions define the responsibilities of manufacturers, importers, distributors, and fulfilment service providers, mandating conformity assessments, traceability, and corrective measures to uphold packaging standards. Additionally, they reinforce transparency by requiring accurate labeling, documentation retention, and cooperation with national authorities. The regulation also introduces accountability mechanisms for packaging waste management operators, ensuring that relevant data is reported to competent authorities and producer responsibility organisations. Together, these obligations create a harmonised system that promotes sustainability, market integrity, and regulatory enforcement within the packaging sector.
Chapter 5 of the PPWR outlines the obligations of economic operators to reduce packaging and packaging waste through specific measures aimed at minimising excessive packaging, restricting certain formats, promoting reusable packaging, and facilitating refill systems.
Chapter VII of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) establishes requirements for ensuring packaging compliance with EU standards.
Articles 40 to 43 establish the framework for managing packaging and packaging waste in the EU, focusing on oversight, reporting, and waste prevention. These articles reinforce the EU’s commitment to a circular economy by ensuring effective waste prevention, monitoring, and regulatory compliance.
Articles 44 to 47 establish the framework for the registration and responsibilities of producers in ensuring compliance with extended producer responsibility (EPR) obligations within the European Union. These provisions are essential for monitoring, regulating, and enforcing sustainable packaging practices. These articles establish a structured and accountable system for managing packaging waste through producer registration, financial responsibility, and oversight by national authorities. By ensuring that producers bear the costs of waste management and adhere to standardised reporting mechanisms, the framework aims to enhance transparency, promote sustainability, and facilitate cross-border compliance within the EU. The implementation of these regulations will be crucial in reducing environmental impacts and fostering a circular economy for packaging materials.
Articles 48 to 50 establish a structured framework to ensure the efficient collection, return, and recycling of packaging waste, with a particular focus on achieving high-quality recycling and reducing landfill and incineration. These provisions reinforce the EU’s commitment to a circular economy by mandating robust collection systems, incentivising high recycling rates, and promoting the reuse of materials. The deposit and return system, alongside mandatory collection objectives, aims to significantly reduce packaging waste and enhance the availability of high-quality recycled materials. Member States have some flexibility in implementation, but they must meet strict collection and recycling targets to ensure effective waste management and environmental sustainability.
Key measures include:
Additionally, Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) schemes and deposit systems must allocate part of their budget to prevention and reduction efforts.
Articles 52 to 54 establish ambitious recycling targets, calculation methodologies, and the inclusion of re-use in achieving those targets. These provisions aim to enhance recycling efforts across EU Member States and promote the use of recycled materials in packaging production.
Articles 55 to 57 establish transparency and accountability mechanisms for packaging waste management by ensuring public access to information, standardised reporting to the European Commission, and the creation of harmonised packaging databases.
These articles outline procedures for addressing non-compliant or risky packaging at both national and EU levels.
Timeline extracted from the Articles of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation
incl. mandatory targets, delegated acts, implementing acts, assessments and reviews.
PPWR Article 11(1) - Re-usable packaging
Packaging placed on the market from 11 February 2025 shall be considered to be reusable where it fulfils all of the following requirements:
(a) it has been conceived, designed and placed on the market with the objective to be re-used multiple times;
(b) it has been conceived and designed to accomplish as many rotations as possible under normally predictable conditions of use;
(c) it fulfils applicable requirements regarding consumer health, safety and hygiene;
(d) it can be emptied or unloaded without being damaged in a way that would prevent its further function and re-use;
(e) it is capable of being emptied, unloaded, refilled or reloaded while maintaining the quality and safety of the packaged product and ensuring compliance with the applicable safety and hygiene requirements, including those on food safety;
(f) it is capable of being reconditioned in accordance with Part B of Annex VI, while maintaining its ability to perform its intended function;
(g) it allows for affixing of labels and the provision of information on the properties of that product and on the packaging itself, including any relevant instructions and information for ensuring safety, adequate use, traceability and shelf-life of the product;
(h) it can be emptied, unloaded, refilled or reloaded without risk to the health and safety of those responsible for doing so; and
(i) it fulfils the requirements specific to recyclable packaging set out in Article 6, so that it can be recycled when it becomes waste.
PPWR Article 40(3) - Management of packaging and packaging waste - Competent authority
By 12 July 2025, Member States shall notify the Commission of the names and addresses of the competent authorities [responsible for implementation and enforcement...] designated pursuant to paragraph 1. Member States shall inform the Commission without undue delay of any changes to the names or addresses of those competent authorities.
PPWR 34(1) - Plastic carrier bags
Member States shall take measures to achieve a sustained reduction in the consumption of lightweight plastic carrier bags on their territory.
A sustained reduction is considered to be achieved if the annual consumption does not exceed 40 lightweight plastic carrier bags per capita, or the equivalent target in weight, by 31 December 2025 and subsequently by 31 December each year thereafter.
PPWR 43(8) - Prevention of packaging waste
By way of derogation from paragraph 1, Member States may, by 31 December 2025, request the Commission to use a base year other than 2018 for the calculations of the targets set out in paragraph 1. If a Member State makes such request, the Commission may, without prejudice to paragraphs 5 and 7, allow the Member State to use such other base year for the purpose of calculating the targets set out in paragraph 1 on condition that the Member State provide substantiated evidence:
(a) of a significant increase in packaging waste during the year that it requests to use as a base year for the purpose of calculating the targets set out in paragraph 1;
(b) that the significant increase in packaging waste demonstrated under point (a) is due to changes in the reporting procedures only;
(c) that the significant increase in packaging waste demonstrated under point (a) is not due to an increased consumption; and
(d) of better comparability of data between the Member States.
PPWR 52(1) - Recycling targets and promotion of recycling
Member States shall take the necessary measures to achieve the following recycling targets covering the whole of their territory:
(a) by 31 December 2025, a minimum of 65 % by weight of all packaging waste generated;
(b) by 31 December 2025, the following minimum percentages by weight of the following specific materials contained in packaging waste generated:
(i) 50 % of plastic;
(ii) 25 % of wood;
(iii) 70 % of ferrous metals;
(iv) 50 % of aluminium;
(v) 70 % of glass;
(vi) 75 % of paper and cardboard;
see (c) and (d) for 31 December 2030 targets
PPWR Article 9(6) - Compostable Packaging
By 12 February 2026, the Commission shall request the European standardisation organisations to prepare or update harmonised standards laying down the detailed technical specifications of the requirements on compostable packaging. When doing so, the Commission shall request that, in line with the latest scientific and technological developments, parameters such as retention times, temperatures and stirring, which reflect the actual conditions in home composts and in bio-waste treatment facilities, including anaerobic digestion processes, are taken into account. The Commission shall request that those standards include verification that the compostable packaging undergoing the biological decomposition subject to the specified parameters results ultimately in conversion into carbon dioxide or, in absence of oxygen, methane, and mineral salts, biomass and water.
By 12 February 2026, the Commission shall also request the European standardisation organisations to prepare harmonised standards laying down the detailed technical specifications of the requirements on home compostability of packaging referred to in paragraph 1.
PPWR Article 44(14) - Register of producers (EPR)
The Commission shall, by 12 February 2026, adopt implementing acts establishing the format for registration in, and reporting to, the register and specifying the granularity of data to be provided and the packaging types and material categories to be covered by the information submitted.
The format for the submission of information pursuant to this Article shall be interoperable, shall be based on open standards and machine-readable data, and shall be transferable through an interoperable data exchange network without vendor lock-in.
Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 65(2).
PPWR Article 71 - Entry into force and application
This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
It shall apply from 12 August 2026.
However, Article 67(5) shall apply from 12 February 2029.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
Done at Brussels, 19 December 2024.
PPWR Article 5(5) - Requirements for substances in packaging
From 12 August 2026, food-contact packaging shall not be placed on the market if it contains per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) in a concentration equal to or above the following limit values to the extent that the placing on the market of packaging containing such a concentration of PFAS is not prohibited pursuant to another Union legal act:
(a) 25 ppb for any PFAS as measured with targeted PFAS analysis (polymeric PFAS excluded from quantification);
(b) 250 ppb for the sum of PFAS measured as the sum of targeted PFAS analysis, where applicable with prior degradation of precursors (polymeric PFAS excluded from quantification); and
(c) 50 ppm for PFASs (including polymeric PFAS); if total fluorine exceeds 50 mg/kg the manufacturer, importer or downstream user as defined respectively in Article 3, points (9), (11) and (13) of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 shall, upon request, provide to the manufacturer or the importer as defined respectively in Article 3(1), points (13) and (17), of this Regulation proof of the quantity of fluorine measured as content of either PFAS or non-PFAS in order for them to draw up the technical documentation as referred to in Annex VII to this Regulation.
‘PFAS’ means any substance that contains at least one fully fluorinated methyl (CF3-) or methylene (-CF2-) carbon atom (without any H/Cl/Br/I attached to it), except substances that only contain the following structural elements: CF3-X or X-CF2-X′, where X = -OR or -NRR′ and X′ = methyl (-CH3), methylene (-CH2-), an aromatic group, a carbonyl group (-C (O)-), -OR′′, -SR′′ or –NR′′R′′′; and where R/R′/R′′/R′′′ is a hydrogen (-H), methyl (-CH3), methylene (-CH2-), an aromatic group or a carbonyl group (-C(O)-).
By 12 August 2030, the Commission shall carry out an evaluation to assess the need to amend or repeal this paragraph in order to avoid overlaps with restrictions or prohibitions on the use of PFAS laid down in accordance with Regulations (EC) No 1935/2004, (EC) No 1907/2006, or (EU) 2019/1021.
PPWR Article 12(6) - Labelling of packaging
By 12 August 2026, the Commission shall adopt implementing acts to establish a harmonised label and specifications for the labelling requirements and formats, including where provided through digital means, for the labelling of packaging referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 and 4 of this Article. When developing those implementing acts, the Commission shall take into account the specificities of composite packaging. When developing the harmonised label for packaging subject to deposit and return systems referred to in Article 50(2), the Commission shall take into consideration any variation which exists in the deposit charged by Member States. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 65(2).
PPWR Article 12(7) - Labelling of packaging
By 12 August 2026, the Commission shall adopt implementing acts to establish the methodology for identifying the material composition of packaging referred to in paragraph 1 by means of standardised, open, digital-marking technologies, including for composite packaging and integrated or separate components of packaging.
The implementing act shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 65(2).
PPWR Article 13(2) - Labelling of waste receptacles for the collection of packaging waste
By 12 August 2026, the Commission shall adopt implementing acts to establish harmonised labels and specifications for the labelling requirements and formats for the labelling of the receptacles referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article. When developing those implementing acts, the Commission shall take into account the specificities of the collection systems established in the Member States as well as the specificities of composite packaging. The labelling for receptacles shall correspond to the labelling for packaging as referred to in Article 12(6) with the exception of labelling for packaging subject to deposit and return systems. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 65(2).
PPWR Article 5(2) - Requirements for substances in packaging
The Commission shall monitor the presence of substances of concern in packaging and packaging components and shall take, where appropriate, the relevant follow-up measures.
By 31 December 2026, the Commission, assisted by the European Chemicals Agency, shall prepare a report on the presence of substances of concern in packaging and packaging components, to determine the extent to which they negatively affect the re-use and recycling of materials or impact chemical safety. That report may list the substances of concern present in packaging and packaging components and indicate the extent to which they could present an unacceptable risk to human health and the environment.
The Commission shall submit the report to the European Parliament, to the Council and to the committee referred to in Article 65 of this Regulation setting out its findings and shall consider appropriate follow-up measures, including:
(a) for substances of concern in packaging materials which primarily affect human health or the environment, the use of the procedures referred to in Article 68(1) and (2) of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 to adopt new restrictions;
(b) for substances of concern that negatively affect the re-use and recycling of materials in the packaging in which they are present, the establishment of restrictions as a part of design for recycling criteria in accordance with Article 6(4) of this Regulation.
If a Member State considers that a substance negatively affects the re-use and recycling of materials in the packaging in which it is present, it shall, by 31 December 2025, supply such information to the Commission.
PPWR Article 7(8) - Minimum recycled content in plastic packaging
By 31 December 2026, the Commission shall adopt implementing acts establishing the methodology for the calculation and verification of the percentage of recycled content recovered from post-consumer plastic waste recycled and collected within the Union in accordance with the conditions set out in paragraph 3 of this Article, as well as the format for the technical documentation referred to in Annex VII. For that purpose, the Commission shall take into account the use of resulting secondary raw materials that are of sufficient quality when compared to the original material that they can be used to substitute primary raw materials. The verification methodology may include the obligation to carry independent third-party audits on manufacturers of recycled content in the Union and of plastic packaging placed on the market as a sales unit separate from other products, to ensure that the conditions set out in paragraph 3 of this Article and in the delegated act adopted pursuant to paragraph 9 of this Article are met.
When adopting the implementing acts, the Commission shall assess the available recycling technologies, taking into account their economic and environmental performance, including the quality of the output, the availability of the waste, the energy needed and the emissions of greenhouse gases and other relevant environmental impacts.
Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 65(2).
PPWR Article 7(9) - Minimum recycled content in plastic packaging
By 31 December 2026, on the basis of the assessment referred to in paragraph 8, second subparagraph, the Commission shall adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 64 to supplement this Regulation with sustainability criteria for plastic recycling technologies.
For the purposes of this Article, recycled content shall be recovered from post-consumer plastic waste that has been recycled either in:
(a) installations located within the Union using recycling technologies which meet such sustainability criteria established pursuant to this paragraph; or
(b) installations located in a third country using recycling technologies in accordance with standards equivalent to the sustainability criteria developed under the delegated acts.
PPWR Article 7(10) - Minimum recycled content in plastic packaging
By 31 December 2026, the Commission shall adopt implementing acts establishing the methodology for assessing, verifying and certifying, including through third-party audit, the equivalence of the rules applied in cases where the recycled content recovered from post-consumer plastic waste is recycled or collected in a third country. The assessment shall consider the standards of protection of environment and human health, including standards to ensure that recycling is performed in an environmentally sound manner, and standards on high-quality recycling, such as on resource efficiency and quality standards for the recycling sectors. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 65(2).
PPWR Article 10(3) - Packaging minimisation
By 12 February 2027, the Commission shall request the European standardisation organisations to prepare or update, as appropriate, harmonised standards laying down the methodology for the calculation and measurement of compliance with the requirements concerning packaging minimisation under this Regulation. For most common packaging types and formats, such standards should specify maximum adequate weight and volume limits, and, where appropriate, wall thickness and maximum empty space.
PPWR Article 11(2) - Re-usable packaging
By 12 February 2027, the Commission shall adopt a delegated act in accordance with Article 64 to supplement this Regulation by establishing a minimum number for the rotations for re-usable packaging, for the purpose of paragraph 1, point (b), of this Article for the packaging formats which are most frequently used in re-use, taking into account hygiene and other requirements such as logistics.
PPWR Article 12(9) - Labelling of packaging
By 12 February 2027, packaging included in an extended producer responsibility scheme may be identified throughout the territory of the Member States in which that scheme or system applies. Such identification shall be achieved only by means of a corresponding symbol in a QR code or other standardised, open, digital-marking technology in order to indicate that the producer fulfils its extended producer responsibility obligations. That symbol shall be clear and unambiguous and shall not mislead consumers or other end users as to the recyclability or reusability of the packaging.
PPWR Article 25(6) - Restrictions on use of certain packaging formats
By 12 February 2027, the Commission shall publish guidelines, in consultation with Member States and the European Food Safety Authority, which explain Annex V in more detail, including examples of the packaging formats in scope, and any exemptions from the restrictions, and provide a non-exhaustive list of fruits and vegetables that are excluded from point 2 of Annex V.
PPWR Article 29(8) - Re-use targets
By 12 February 2027, the Commission, in consultation with Member States, shall publish guidelines on the types of products falling within the scope of paragraphs 6 and 7.
PPWR 31(7) - Reporting to the competent authorities on re-use targets
By 12 February 2027, the Commission shall establish a European observatory on re-use. The observatory shall be responsible for monitoring the implementation of the measures laid down in this Regulation, collecting data on re-use practices and contributing to the development of best practices in the field of re-use.
PPWR 31(3)
The first reporting year shall concern the calendar year 2030.
Article 32 (1) - Refill obligation for the take-away sector
By 12 February 2027:
(a) final distributors that conduct their business activity in the HORECA sector and that make available on the territory of a Member State hot or cold beverages in take-away packaging shall provide a system for consumers to bring their own container to be filled;
(b) final distributors that conduct their business activity in the HORECA sector and that make available on the territory of a Member State ready-prepared food in take-away packaging shall provide a system for consumers to bring their own container to be filled.
PPWR Article 43(2) - Prevention of packaging waste
In order to support Member States achieve the packaging waste prevention targets set out in paragraph 1 of this Article, by 12 February 2027, the Commission shall establish a correction factor to account for the increase or decrease in tourism in relation to the base year 2018 by means of implementing acts adopted pursuant to Article 56(7), point (c). That correction factor shall be based on the rate of packaging waste generation per tourist and the variation in the number of tourists relative to the base year 2018 and take the packaging waste reduction potential in tourism into account.
PPWR Article 56(7) - Reporting to the Commission
The Commission shall, by 12 February 2027, adopt implementing acts establishing:
(a) rules for the calculation, verification and submission of data in accordance with paragraph 1, points (a) and (c), and paragraph 2, including the methodology for determining the quantity of packaging waste generated, and the format for the submission of those data;
(b) the methodology for the calculation of the annual consumption of lightweight plastic carrier bags per capita referred to in paragraph 1, point (b), and the format for the submission of those data;
(c) the correction factor referred to in Article 43(2) to account for the increase or decrease in tourism in relation to the base year.
Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 65(2).
PPWR Article 68(1) - Penalties
By 12 February 2027, Member States shall lay down the rules on penalties applicable to infringements of this Regulation and shall take all measures necessary to ensure that they are implemented. The penalties provided for shall be effective, proportionate and dissuasive.
PPWR Article 68(3)
Member States shall, by 12 February 2027, notify the Commission of the rules and measures referred to in paragraph 1 and 2 and shall notify it, without delay, of any subsequent amendment affecting them.
PPWR 30(3) - Rules on the calculation of the achievement of the re-use targets
By 30 June 2027, the Commission shall adopt implementing acts establishing the methodology for the calculation of the re-use targets set out in Article 29.
PPWR 41(1) - Management of packaging and packaging waste - Early warning reports
The Commission shall, in cooperation with the European Environment Agency, draw up reports on the progress made towards the achievement of the targets laid down in Articles 43 and 52 at the latest 3 years before each of the deadlines laid down in those Articles.
Article 43: Prevention of Packaging Waste
Article 52: Recycling targets and promotion of recycling
PPWR Article 5(2) - Recyclable Packaging
(a) design for recycling criteria and recyclability performance grades based on Table 3 of Annex II and the parameters listed in Table 4 of Annex II for packaging categories listed in Table 1 of Annex II; design for recycling criteria and recyclability performance grades shall be developed on the basis of the predominant material and shall:
(i) take into account the ability of packaging waste to be separated into different material streams for recycling, sorted and recycled, so that the resulting secondary raw materials are of sufficient quality compared to the original material and can be used to substitute primary raw materials for packaging or other applications where the quality of the recycled material is retained, where feasible;
(ii) consider established collection and sorting processes proven in an operational environment and cover all packaging components;
(iii) take into account available recycling technologies, their economic and environmental performance, including the quality of the output, the availability of the waste, the energy needed and the emissions of greenhouse gases;
(iv) where appropriate, identify substances of concern that negatively affect the re-use and recycling of materials in the packaging in which they are present;
(v) where appropriate, impose restrictions on the presence of substances of concern, or of groups of such substances, in packaging or packaging components for reasons not relating primarily to chemical safety; such restrictions may also serve to reduce unacceptable risks to human health or the environment, without prejudice to the restrictions on chemicals set out in Annex XVII to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 or, where applicable, the restrictions and specific measures on food-contact materials and articles in Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004;
PPWR Article 6(4) - Recyclable Packaging
By 1 January 2028, the Commission shall, after taking into consideration standards developed by the European standardisation organisations, adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 64 to supplement this Regulation by establishing:
(a) design for recycling criteria and recyclability performance grades based on Table 3 of Annex II and the parameters listed in Table 4 of Annex II for packaging categories listed in Table 1 of Annex II; design for recycling criteria and recyclability performance grades shall be developed on the basis of the predominant material and shall:
(i) take into account the ability of packaging waste to be separated into different material streams for recycling, sorted and recycled, so that the resulting secondary raw materials are of sufficient quality compared to the original material and can be used to substitute primary raw materials for packaging or other applications where the quality of the recycled material is retained, where feasible;
(ii) consider established collection and sorting processes proven in an operational environment and cover all packaging components;
(iii) take into account available recycling technologies, their economic and environmental performance, including the quality of the output, the availability of the waste, the energy needed and the emissions of greenhouse gases;
(iv) where appropriate, identify substances of concern that negatively affect the re-use and recycling of materials in the packaging in which they are present;
(v) where appropriate, impose restrictions on the presence of substances of concern, or of groups of such substances, in packaging or packaging components for reasons not relating primarily to chemical safety; such restrictions may also serve to reduce unacceptable risks to human health or the environment, without prejudice to the restrictions on chemicals set out in Annex XVII to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 or, where applicable, the restrictions and specific measures on food-contact materials and articles in Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004;
(b) how to perform recyclability performance assessment and express its result in recyclability performance grades per packaging unit, in terms of weighting, including material-specific criteria and sorting efficiency, to determine whether packaging is to be considered recyclable under paragraph 2;
(c) a description, for each packaging category listed in Table 1 of Annex II, of the conditions for compliance with their respective recyclability performance grades;
(d) a framework concerning the modulation of financial contributions to be paid by producers to comply with their extended producer responsibility obligations set out in Article 45(1), based on the packaging recyclability performance grades.
PPWR Article 7(12) - Minimum recycled content in plastic packaging
By 1 January 2028, the Commission shall assess the need for derogations from the minimum percentages of recycled content laid down in paragraph 1, points (b) and (d), for specific plastic packaging, or the revision of the list of exceptions in paragraph 4 for specific plastic packaging.
Based on the assessment referred to in the first subparagraph of this paragraph, where suitable recycling technologies to recycle plastic packaging are not authorised under the relevant Union rules or are not sufficiently available in practice, taking into account any safety related requirements, especially concerning contact-sensitive plastic packaging, including food packaging, the Commission is empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 64 to amend this Regulation in order to:
(a) provide for derogations from the scope, timing or level of minimum percentage laid down in paragraph 1, points (b) and (d), of this Article, for specific plastic packaging; and
(b) as appropriate, amend the list of the exceptions in paragraph 4 of this Article.
PPWR Article 29(12) - Re-use targets
Member States may allow final distributors to form pools for the purpose of meeting their obligations laid down in paragraph 6, provided that each pool:
(a) does not exceed more than 40 % of the market share of the relevant beverage category;
(b) consists of no more than five final distributors; and
(c) only covers beverage categories made available on the territory of a Member State by all pool members.
The condition under point (b) does not apply if the final distributors operate under the same brand name.
Where a Member State allows final distributors to form pools pursuant to the first subparagraph, each pool shall provide the competent authority of the Member State with at least the following information:
(a) the final distributors included in the pool; and
(b) the final distributor appointed as pool manager and contact point.
Final distributors shall ensure that their pooling arrangements comply with Articles 101 and 102 TFEU. Without prejudice to the general applicability of Union competition rules to such pools, all members of a pool shall in particular ensure that neither data-sharing nor information exchange, including in relation to prospective sales data, occur in the context of their pooling arrangements, except in respect of the information referred to in Article 30(2) of this Regulation.
By 1 January 2028, the Commission shall adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 64 to supplement this Regulation by establishing and specifying the detailed conditions and reporting requirements to be applied to the pooling arrangements referred to in this paragraph, taking into account the type and quantity of packaging each final distributor places on the market each calendar year and the location of the final distributors.
Member States may require further information to be provided as necessary for the enforcement of the obligations under paragraph 6 in conjunction with this paragraph.
PPWR Article 50(5) - Deposit and return systems
Member States may be exempt from the obligation under paragraph 2 under the following conditions:
(a) the rate of separate collection as required under Article 48 of the relevant packaging format as submitted to the Commission under Article 56(1), point (c), is 80 % or more by weight of such packaging made available on the territory of that Member State for the first time in the calendar year 2026; and
(b) by 1 January 2028, the Member State notifies the Commission of its request for exemption and submits an implementation plan showing a strategy with concrete measures, including their timeline, that ensure achievement of the 90 % separate collection rate by weight of the packaging referred to in paragraph 1.
For the purposes of point (a), where the information on the rate of separate collection of the relevant packaging format has not yet been submitted to the Commission, the Member State shall provide a reasoned explanation as to how the conditions for the exemption set out in this paragraph are otherwise fulfilled. The reasoned explanation shall be based on validated national data and include a description of the measures implemented.
PPWR Article (29(18) - Re-use targets
In order to take account of the latest scientific and economic data and developments, the Commission is empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 64 to supplement this Regulation by establishing:
(a) exemptions for economic operators that are additional to those provided for in this Article, due to particular economic constraints encountered in a specific sector related to the compliance with the targets set out in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 of this Article;
(b) exemptions for specific packaging formats covered by the targets set out in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 of this Article, where hygiene and food safety issues prevent the achievement of those targets;
(c) exemptions for specific packaging formats covered by the targets set out in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 of this Article, where environmental issues prevent the achievement of those targets.
PPWR Article 8(1) - Biobased feedstock in plastic packaging
By 12 February 2028, the Commission shall review the state of technological development and environmental performance of biobased plastic packaging, taking into consideration the sustainability criteria laid down in Article 29 of Directive (EU) 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
PPWR Article 9(1) - Compostable Packaging
By way of derogation from Article 6(1), by 12 February 2028, where packaging referred to in Article 3(1), point (1)(f), and sticky labels affixed to fruit and vegetables are placed on the market, that packaging and sticky labels shall be compatible with the standard for composting in industrially controlled conditions in bio-waste treatment facilities and shall be compatible, where required by the Member States, with the home-composting standards referred to in paragraph 6 of this Article.
PPWR Article 9(3) - Compostable Packaging
By 12 February 2028, packaging other than that referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, including packaging made of biodegradable plastic polymers and other biodegradable materials, shall be designed for material recycling in accordance with Article 6 without affecting the recyclability of other waste streams.
PPWR Article 24(2) - Obligation related to excessive packaging
By 12 February 2028, the Commission shall adopt implementing acts to establish the methodology for the calculation of the empty space ratio referred to in paragraph 1. That methodology shall take into account the special characteristics of packaging which needs to be placed in an empty space that is large enough to comply with applicable legal requirements or to protect the product, such as, in particular, packaged products of irregular shape, packaging containing more than one sales packaging or product, packaging containing liquid products, packaged products the content of which can easily be damaged and packaged products that can be damaged by larger products due to their small dimensions, and the minimum space on the transport packaging to enable shipment labels to be affixed.
Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 65(2).
PPWR Article 24(4) - Obligation related to excessive packaging
By 12 February 2028, the economic operators who fill sales packaging shall ensure that empty space is reduced to the minimum necessary for ensuring the packaging functionality, including product protection. The empty space ratio for sales packaging shall mean the difference between the total internal volume of the sales packaging and the volume of the packaged product.
For the purpose of assessing compliance with this paragraph, space filled by filling materials, such as paper cuttings, air cushions, bubble wraps, sponge fillers, foam fillers, wood wool, polystyrene or Styrofoam chips, shall be considered as empty space.
For sales packaging for products that are subject to settlement during transportation or where headspace is required to protect the food product, or other products that present these characteristics:
(a) compliance with this paragraph shall be assessed as the pack-fill level at the time of filling;
(b) air between or within packed foodstuff or protective gases shall not be considered as empty space.
Article 33(1) - Re-use offer obligation for the take-away sector
By 12 February 2028, final distributors that conduct their business activity in the HORECA sector and that make available on the territory of a Member State hot or cold beverages or ready-prepared food in take-away packaging shall give consumers the option of obtaining the products in re-useable packaging within a system for re-use.
PPWR Article 57(1) - Packaging databases
By 12 months from the date of adoption of the implementing acts referred to in Article 56(7), Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that databases on packaging and packaging waste are established, where not already in place, on a harmonised basis, for the purpose of fulfilling their reporting obligations laid down in Article 56.
PPWR Article 12(1) - Labelling of packaging
From 12 August 2028 or 24 months from the date of entry into force of the implementing acts adopted pursuant to paragraphs 6 or 7 of this Article, whichever is the latest, packaging placed on the market shall be marked with a harmonised label containing information on its material composition in order to facilitate consumer sorting. The label shall be based on pictograms and be easily understandable, including for persons with disabilities. For the packaging referred to in Article 9(1) and, where applicable, packaging referred to in Article 9(2), the label shall indicate that the material is compostable, that it is not suitable for home composting and that compostable packaging is not to be discarded in nature. With the exception of e-commerce packaging, this obligation does not apply to transport packaging or to packaging that is subject to a deposit and return system.
The packaging placed on the market containing substances of concern shall be marked by means of standardised, open, digital-marking technologies in accordance with the methodology referred to in paragraph 7, second subparagraph.
In addition to the harmonised label referred to in this paragraph, economic operators may place a QR code or other type of standardised, open, digital data carrier on the packaging that contains information on the destination of each separate component of the packaging in order to facilitate consumer sorting.
PPWR Article 12(4) - Labelling of packaging
Where packaging to which Article 7 applies is placed on the market from 12 August 2028 or 24 months from the date of entry into force of the implementing act adopted pursuant to paragraph 6 of this Article, whichever is the latest, and is marked with a label containing information on the share of recycled content, that label and, where applicable, the QR code or other type of standardised, open, digital data carrier shall comply with the specifications laid down in the relevant implementing act adopted pursuant to paragraph 6 of this Article and shall be based on the methodology established pursuant to Article 7(8). Where packaging is marked with a label containing information on the share of biobased plastic content, that label shall comply with the specifications laid down in the relevant implementing act adopted pursuant to paragraph 6 of this Article.
PPWR Article 13(1) - Labelling of waste receptacles for the collection of packaging waste
By 12 August 2028 or 30 months from the adoption of the implementing acts referred to in paragraph 2, whichever is the latest, Member States shall ensure that harmonised labels that enable the separate collection of each material specific fraction of packaging waste that is intended to be discarded in separate receptacles are affixed, printed or engraved visibly, legibly and indelibly on all waste receptacles for collection of packaging waste. A receptacle for packaging waste may bear more than one label. This obligation does not apply to receptacles subject to deposit and return systems.
PPWR Article 44(1) - Register of producers (EPR)
Each Member State shall, within 18 months of the date of entry into force of first implementing act adopted pursuant to paragraph 14, establish a national register which shall serve to monitor compliance of producers with the requirements set out in this Chapter.
Each national register shall provide links to other national registers of producers’ websites to facilitate, in all Member States, registration of producers or authorised representatives for the extended producer responsibility.
PPWR Article 7(11) - Minimum recycled content in plastic packaging
By 1 January 2029 or 24 months from the date of entry into force of the implementing act referred to in paragraph 8, whichever is the latest, the calculation and verification of the percentage of recycled content contained in packaging under paragraph 1 shall comply with the rules laid down in the implementing act adopted pursuant to paragraph 8.
PPWR Article 49 - Mandatory collection (Return, collection, deposit and return systems)
By 1 January 2029, Member States shall set mandatory collection objectives and take the necessary measures to ensure that the collection of the materials listed in Article 52 is consistent with the recycling targets set out in that Article and with the mandatory recycled content targets set out in Article 7.
PPWR Article 50(1) - Deposit and return systems
By 1 January 2029, Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure the separate collection of at least 90 % per year by weight of the following packaging formats made available on the market for the first time in that Member State in a given calendar year:
(a) single-use plastic beverage bottles with a capacity of up to three litres; and
(b) single-use metal beverage containers with a capacity of up to three litres.
Member States may use the quantity of packaging waste generated from packaging placed on the market to calculate, in accordance with the implementing acts adopted pursuant to Article 56(7), point (a), the targets set out in the first subparagraph, points (a) and (b), of this paragraph.
PPWR Article 50(11) - Deposit and return systems
By 1 January 2029, Member States shall ensure that at least the deposit and return systems established under paragraph 2 of this Article following the entry into force of this Regulation meet the minimum requirements listed in Annex X.
The minimum requirements listed in Annex X shall not apply to deposit and return systems established before the entry into force of this Regulation which achieve the 90 % target set out in paragraph 1 of this Article by 1 January 2029. Member States shall endeavour to ensure that existing single-use deposit and return systems comply with the minimum requirements in Annex X when they are first reviewed. If the 90 % target is not achieved by 1 January 2029, existing single-use deposit and return systems shall comply with the minimum requirements in Annex X at the latest by 1 January 2035.
By 1 January 2038, the Commission, in collaboration with the Member States, shall assess the implementation of this Article and identify how to maximise the interoperability of deposit and return systems.
PPWR Article 12(2) - Labelling of packaging
Reusable packaging placed on the market from 12 February 2029 or 30 months from the date of entry into force of the implementing act adopted pursuant to paragraph 6, whichever is the latest, shall bear a label informing users that the packaging is reusable. Further information on reusability, including the availability of a local, national or Union-wide re-use system and information on collection points, shall be made available through a QR code or other type of standardised, open, digital data carrier that facilitates the tracking of the packaging and the calculation of trips and rotations, or, if that calculation is not feasible, an average estimation. In addition, reusable sales packaging shall be clearly identified and distinguished from single-use packaging at the point of sale.
PPWR Article 6(8) - Recyclable packaging
In order to increase the level of recyclability of packaging, 18 months from the date of entry into force of the delegated acts adopted pursuant to paragraph 4 of this Article and implementing acts adopted pursuant to paragraph 5 of this Article, the financial contributions paid by producers in order to comply with their extended producer responsibility obligations as laid down in Article 45 shall be modulated in accordance with the recyclability performance grades, as set out in detail in the delegated acts adopted pursuant to paragraph 4 of this Article and the implementing acts adopted pursuant to paragraph 5 of this Article.
Regarding financial contributions paid by producers in order to comply with their extended producer responsibility obligations as laid down in Article 45 in respect of packaging referred to in paragraph 11, point (g), of this Article, Member States shall take into account the technical feasibility and economic viability of recycling of that packaging.
PPWR Article 6(1) - Recyclable packaging
All packaging placed on the market shall be recyclable.
PPWR Article 6(2) - Recyclable packaging
Packaging shall be considered to be recyclable if it fulfils the following conditions:
(a) it is designed for material recycling, which enables the use of resulting secondary raw materials that are of sufficient quality when compared to the original material that they can be used to substitute primary raw materials, in accordance with paragraph 4; and
(b) when it becomes waste, it can be collected separately in accordance with Article 48(1) and (5), sorted into specific waste streams without affecting the recyclability of other waste streams and recycled at scale, on the basis of the methodology set out in accordance with paragraph 5 of this Article.
Packaging that is in compliance with the delegated acts adopted pursuant to paragraph 4 shall be deemed to comply with the condition set out in point (a) of the first subparagraph of this paragraph.
Packaging that is in compliance with the delegated acts adopted pursuant to paragraph 4 and the implementing acts adopted pursuant to paragraph 5 shall be deemed to comply with the conditions set out in the first subparagraph of this paragraph.
Point (a) of the first subparagraph of this paragraph shall apply from 1 January 2030 or 24 months from the date of entry into force of the delegated acts adopted pursuant to the first subparagraph of paragraph 4, whichever is the latest.
Point (b) of the first subparagraph of this paragraph shall apply from 1 January 2035 or, as regards the recycled-at-scale requirement, from 1 January 2035 or five years from the date of entry into force of the implementing acts adopted pursuant to paragraph 5, whichever is the latest.
PPWR Article 6(3) - Recyclable packaging
The manufacturer shall assess packaging recyclability on the basis of the delegated acts adopted pursuant to in paragraph 4 of this Article and the implementing acts adopted pursuant to paragraph 5 of this Article. Packaging recyclability shall be expressed in the recyclability performance grades A, B or C as described in Table 3 of Annex II.
Without prejudice to paragraph 10, from 1 January 2030 or 24 months from the entry into force of the delegated acts adopted pursuant to paragraph 4 of this Article, whichever is the latest, packaging shall not be placed on the market unless it is recyclable within grades A, B or C as described in Table 3 of Annex II.
Without prejudice to paragraph 10 of this Article, from 1 January 2038 packaging shall not be placed on the market unless it is recyclable within grades A or B as described in Table 3 of Annex II.
PPWR Article 6(4) - Recyclable Packaging
By 1 January 2030, the Commission shall adopt implementing acts establishing:
(a) the methodology for the recycled-at-scale assessment per packaging category listed in Table 2 of Annex II, supplementing Table 3 of Annex II with thresholds for the recycled-at-scale assessment and, if necessary, updating the overall recyclability performance grades described in Table 3 of Annex II; that methodology shall be based on at least the following elements:
(i) quantities of packaging per packaging category listed in Table 2 of Annex II placed on the market in the Union as a whole and in each Member State;
(ii) quantities of recycled packaging waste, as calculated at the calculation point in accordance with the implementing act adopted under Article 56(7), point (a), per packaging category listed in Table 2 of Annex II, in the Union as a whole and in each Member State;
(b) the chain of custody mechanism ensuring that packaging is recycled at scale.
The chain of custody mechanism referred to in point (b) shall be based on at least the following elements:
(i) technical documentation referring to the quantity of collected packaging waste that is sent to sorting and recycling facilities;
(ii) a verification process that allows manufacturers to obtain the necessary data from the downstream operators ensuring that packaging is recycled at scale.
Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 65(2).
The data referred to in the first subparagraph of this paragraph shall be available and easily accessible by the public.
PPWR Article 7(1) - Minimum recycled content in plastic packaging
By 1 January 2030 or 3 years from the date of entry into force of the implementing act referred to in paragraph 8 of this Article, whichever is the latest, any plastic part of packaging placed on the market shall contain the following minimum percentage of recycled content recovered from post-consumer plastic waste, per packaging type and format as referred to in Table 1 of Annex II, calculated as an average per manufacturing plant and year:
(a) 30 % for contact-sensitive packaging made from polyethylene terephthalate (PET) as the major component, except single-use plastic beverage bottles;
(b) 10 % for contact-sensitive packaging made from plastic materials other than PET, except single-use plastic beverage bottles;
(c) 30 % for single-use plastic beverage bottles;
(d) 35 % for plastic packaging other than those referred to in points (a), (b) and (c) of this paragraph.
PPWR Article 10(1) - Packaging minimisation
By 1 January 2030, the manufacturer or importer shall ensure that the packaging placed on the market is designed so that its weight and volume is reduced to the minimum necessary to ensure its functionality, taking account of the shape and material from which the packaging is made.
PPWR Article 12(7) - Labelling of packaging
By 1 January 2030, the Commission shall also adopt implementing acts to establish the methodology for identifying substances of concern by means of standardised, open, digital-marking technologies. That methodology shall ensure that the marking includes at least the name and concentration of the substance of concern present in each material in a packaging unit.
The implementing act shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 65(2).
PPWR Article 24(1) - Obligation related to excessive packaging
By 1 January 2030 or 3 years from the entry into force of the implementing acts adopted pursuant to paragraph 2, whichever is the latest, economic operators who fill grouped packaging, transport packaging or e-commerce packaging shall ensure that the maximum empty space ratio, expressed as a percentage, is 50 %.
PPWR Article 25(1) - Restrictions on use of certain packaging formats
From 1 January 2030, economic operators shall not place on the market packaging in the formats and for the uses listed in Annex V. [see pages 102-103 of the PPWR]
PPWR Article 29(1) - Re-use targets
From 1 January 2030, economic operators that use transport packaging, or sales packaging used for transporting products, including for products distributed via e-commerce, within the territory of the Union, in the form of pallets, foldable-plastic boxes, boxes, trays, plastic crates, intermediate bulk containers, pails, drums and canisters of any size or material, including flexible formats or pallet wrappings or straps for stabilisation and protection of products put on pallets during transport, shall ensure that at least 40 % of such packaging in total is reusable packaging within a re-use system.
PPWR Article 29(2) - Re-use targets
From 1 January 2030, by way of derogation from paragraph 1 of this Article, economic operators that use transport packaging or sales packaging used for transporting products, in the forms as listed in paragraph 1 of this Article, within the territory of the Union, between different sites on which the operator performs its activity, or between any of the sites on which the operator performs its activity and the sites of any other linked enterprise or partner enterprise, as defined in Article 3 of the Annex to Recommendation 2003/361/EC as applicable on 11 February 2025, shall ensure that such packaging is reusable within a re-use system.
PPWR Article 29(3) - Re-use targets
From 1 January 2030, by way of derogation from paragraph 1, economic operators that use transport packaging or sales packaging used for transporting products, including for products distributed via e-commerce, in the forms as listed in paragraph 1, to deliver products to another economic operator within the same Member State shall ensure that such packaging is reusable within a re-use system.
PPWR Article 29(5) - Re-use targets
From 1 January 2030, economic operators that use grouped packaging in the form of boxes, excluding cardboard, outside of sales packaging to group a certain number of products to create a stock-keeping or distribution unit shall ensure that at least 10 % of such packaging is reusable packaging within a re-use system.
PPWR Article 29(6) - Re-use targets
From 1 January 2030, final distributors that make alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages in sales packaging available on the territory of a Member State to consumers shall ensure that at least 10 % of those products are made available in reusable packaging within a re-use system.
PPWR Article 30(4) - Rules on the calculation of the achievement of the re-use targets
The obligation to demonstrate the achievement of the re-use targets set out in Article 29 shall apply from 1 January 2030 or 18 months from the date of entry into force of the implementing act referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article, whichever is later.
Article 33(5) - Re-use offer obligation for the take-away sector
From 2030, final distributors shall endeavour to offer 10 % of products for sale in a reusable packaging format.
PPWR Article 43(1) - Prevention of packaging waste
Each Member State shall reduce the packaging waste generated per capita, as compared to the packaging waste generated per capita in 2018 as reported to the Commission in accordance with Decision 2005/270/EC, by at least:
(a) 5 % by 2030
(b) 10 % by 2035
(c) 15 % by 2040
PPWR Article 63 - Green public procurement
In order to incentivise the supply and demand for environmentally sustainable packaging, the Commission shall, by 12 February 2030, adopt implementing acts specifying minimum mandatory requirements for public contracts falling within the scope of Directive 2014/24/EU for packaging or packaged products or for services using packaging or packaged products or Directive 2014/25/EU, and awarded by contracting authorities, as defined in Article 2(1) of Directive 2014/24/EU or Article 3(1) of Directive 2014/25/EU, or contracting entities, as defined in Article 4(1) of Directive 2014/25/EU, in which the packaging or packaged products represent more than 30 % of the estimated contract value or of the value of products used by the services that are the object of the contract. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 65(2) of this Regulation.
PPWR 52(1) - Recycling targets and promotion of recycling
Member States shall take the necessary measures to achieve the following recycling targets covering the whole of their territory:
(c) by 31 December 2030, a minimum of 70 % by weight of all packaging waste generated;
(d) by 31 December 2030, the following minimum percentages by weight of the following specific materials contained in packaging waste generated:
(i) 55 % of plastic;
(ii) 30 % of wood;
(iii) 80 % of ferrous metals;
(iv) 60 % of aluminium;
(v) 75 % of glass;
(vi) 85 % of paper and cardboard.
PPWR Article 7(14) - Minimum recycled content in plastic packaging
By 12 February 2032, taking into account the evolution of the state of the art of the technology and the practical experience gained by economic operators and Member States, the Commission shall present a report reviewing the implementation of the 2030 minimum percentages of recycled content set out in paragraph 1 and evaluating to what extent those percentages lead to solutions fostering sustainable packaging that are effective and easy to implement, the feasibility of the achievement of the 2040 minimum percentages on the basis of the experience in achieving the 2030 minimum percentages and the evolving circumstances, the relevance of maintaining the exceptions and derogations set out in this Article, and the necessity or pertinence of setting new minimum percentages of recycled content. That report shall, where appropriate, be accompanied by a legislative proposal amending this Article, in particular the 2040 minimum percentages of recycled content.
PPWR Article 7(15) - Minimum recycled content in plastic packaging
By 12 February 2032, the Commission shall review the situation regarding the use of recycled packaging materials in packaging other than plastics and, on that basis, assess the appropriateness of establishing measures, or setting targets, for increasing the use of recycled content in such other packaging, and, where appropriate, present a legislative proposal.
PPWR Article 24(6) - Obligation related to excessive packaging
By 12 February 2032, the Commission shall review the empty space ratio referred to in paragraph 1 as well as the exemptions in paragraph 5, and assess the possibility of establishing empty space ratios for sales packaging, particularly for toys, cosmetics, do-it-yourself kits and electronic products.
PPWR Article 25(5) - Restrictions on use of certain packaging formats
By 12 February 2032, the Commission shall assess the positive environmental impact of the restrictions and derogations and exemptions from these restrictions, and shall take into account the availability of alternative packaging solutions that meet safety and hygiene requirements applicable to contact-sensitive packaging. On the basis of that assessment, the Commission shall, with the objective of reducing packaging waste, review this Article and Annex V to adapt them to technical and scientific progress. On the basis of that review, the Commission shall assess the appropriateness of establishing new restrictions on the use of specific packaging formats and the relevance of maintaining the derogations and exemptions set out in this Article, and, where appropriate, shall present a legislative proposal.
PPWR 34(5) - Plastic carrier bags
By 12 February 2032, the Commission shall prepare a report on packaging materials, other than those referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, which are likely to have a more detrimental impact on the environment than lightweight plastic carrier bags and, where appropriate, present a legislative proposal setting out reduction targets and measures to achieve those targets.
PPWR Article 43(9) - Prevention of packaging waste
By 12 February 2032, the Commission shall review the targets laid down in paragraph 1 and assess the need to include specific targets for certain packaging materials. To that end, the Commission shall submit a report to the European Parliament and to the Council, accompanied, if the Commission finds it appropriate, by a legislative proposal.
PPWR Article 52(4) - Recycling targets and promotion of recycling
By 12 February 2032, the Commission shall review the targets laid down in paragraph 1, points (c) and (d), with a view to increasing them or setting further targets. To that end, the Commission shall submit a report to the European Parliament and to the Council, accompanied, if the Commission finds it appropriate, by a legislative proposal.
PPWR Article 5(9) - Requirements for substances in packaging
By 12 August 2033, the Commission shall carry out an evaluation to assess whether this Article and the design for recycling criteria set out in accordance with Article 6(4) have contributed sufficiently to minimising the presence and concentration of substances of concern as constituents of packaging materials.
PPWR Article 29(19) - Re-use targets
By 1 January 2034, taking into account the evolution of the state of the art of technology and the practical experience gained by economic operators and Member States, the Commission shall present a report reviewing the implementation of the 2030 targets set out in this Article. In that report, it shall evaluate, including from the perspective of the life-cycle assessment of single-use and re-use packaging, the following:
(a) the extent to which the 2030 targets have led to solutions fostering sustainable packaging that are effective and easy to implement;
(b) the feasibility of the achievement of the 2040 targets on the basis of the experience in achieving the 2030 targets and the evolving circumstances;
(c) the relevance of maintaining the exemptions and derogations set out in this Article; and
(d) the necessity or pertinence of setting new targets for the re-use and refill of other packaging categories.
The Commission’s report shall include an employment impact assessment. The report shall, where appropriate, be accompanied by a legislative proposal amending this Article, in particular the 2040 targets. By December 2032, Member States shall provide data to the Commission on the employment impact assessment related to the implementation of the re-use targets in their national territories. Before submitting the data to the Commission, Member States shall inform and consult national social partners representing workers and employers in the sectors covered by packaging re-use targets.
PPWR Article 69 - Re-use targets
By 12 August 2034, the Commission shall carry out an evaluation of this Regulation and of its contribution to the functioning of the internal market and the improvement of the environmental sustainability of packaging. That evaluation shall have a part dedicated, inter alia, to the impact of this Regulation on the agri-food system and on food waste. The Commission shall present a report on the main findings of that evaluation to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. Member States shall provide the Commission with the information necessary for the preparation of that report.
PPWR Article 6(7) - Recyclable packaging
By 2035, the Commission, on the basis of developments in sorting and recycling technologies, may review the minimum thresholds for packaging to be considered recycled at scale and, where appropriate, present a legislative proposal to revise the thresholds.
PPWR Article 43(1) - Prevention of packaging waste
Each Member State shall reduce the packaging waste generated per capita, as compared to the packaging waste generated per capita in 2018 as reported to the Commission in accordance with Decision 2005/270/EC, by at least:
(a) 5 % by 2030
(b) 10 % by 2035
(c) 15 % by 2040
PPWR Article 6(12) - Recyclable Packaging
By 1 January 2035, the Commission shall review the exceptions under paragraph 11, taking into account at least the evolution of sorting and recycling technologies and practical experience gained by the economic operators and Member States. On that basis, the Commission shall assess the appropriateness of the continuation of those exceptions and, where appropriate, present a legislative proposal.
PPWR Article 6(2) - Recyclable packaging
Packaging shall be considered to be recyclable if it fulfils the following conditions:
(a) [...]
(b) when it becomes waste, it can be collected separately in accordance with Article 48(1) and (5), sorted into specific waste streams without affecting the recyclability of other waste streams and recycled at scale, on the basis of the methodology set out in accordance with paragraph 5 of this Article.
Point (b) of the first subparagraph of this paragraph shall apply from 1 January 2035 or, as regards the recycled-at-scale requirement, from 1 January 2035 or five years from the date of entry into force of the implementing acts adopted pursuant to paragraph 5, whichever is the latest.
PPWR Article 6(3) - Recyclable packaging
The manufacturer shall assess packaging recyclability on the basis of the delegated acts adopted pursuant to in paragraph 4 of this Article and the implementing acts adopted pursuant to paragraph 5 of this Article. Packaging recyclability shall be expressed in the recyclability performance grades A, B or C as described in Table 3 of Annex II.
Without prejudice to paragraph 10, from 1 January 2030 or 24 months from the entry into force of the delegated acts adopted pursuant to paragraph 4 of this Article, whichever is the latest, packaging shall not be placed on the market unless it is recyclable within grades A, B or C as described in Table 3 of Annex II.
Without prejudice to paragraph 10 of this Article, from 1 January 2038 packaging shall not be placed on the market unless it is recyclable within grades A or B as described in Table 3 of Annex II.
PPWR Article 6(3) - Recyclable packaging
Without prejudice to paragraph 10 of this Article, from 1 January 2038 packaging shall not be placed on the market unless it is recyclable within grades A or B as described in Table 3 of Annex II.
PPWR Article 50(11) - Deposit and return systems
By 1 January 2038, the Commission, in collaboration with the Member States, shall assess the implementation of this Article and identify how to maximise the interoperability of deposit and return systems.
PPWR Article 7(2) - Minimum recycled content in plastic packaging
By 1 January 2040, any plastic part of packaging placed on the market shall contain the following minimum percentage of recycled content recovered from post-consumer plastic waste, per packaging type and format as referred to in Table 1 of Annex II, calculated as an average per manufacturing plant and year:
(a) 50 % for contact-sensitive packaging made from PET as the major component, except single-use plastic beverage bottles;
(b) 25 % for contact-sensitive packaging made from plastic materials other than PET, except single-use plastic beverage bottles;
(c) 65 % for single-use plastic beverage bottles;
(d) 65 % for plastic packaging other than those referred to in points (a), (b) and (c) of this paragraph.
PPWR Article 29(1) - Re-use target
From 1 January 2040, those economic operators shall endeavour to use at least 70 % of the packaging referred to in the first subparagraph in a reusable format within a re-use system.
PPWR Article 29(5) - Re-use target
From 1 January 2040, economic operators shall endeavour to use at least 25 % of the packaging referred to in the first subparagraph in a reusable format within a re-use system.
PPWR Article 29(6) - Re-use target
From 1 January 2040, economic operators shall endeavour to make at least 40 % of the products referred to in the first subparagraph available in reusable packaging within a re-use system.
Final distributors shall ensure that packaged products manufactured under their own brand contribute on a fair and proportionate basis towards to the achievement of the targets set out in this paragraph.
PPWR Article 43(1) - Prevention of packaging waste
Each Member State shall reduce the packaging waste generated per capita, as compared to the packaging waste generated per capita in 2018 as reported to the Commission in accordance with Decision 2005/270/EC, by at least:
(a) 5 % by 2030
(b) 10 % by 2035
(c) 15 % by 2040
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